Sunday, November 13, 2011




             The star are large ball of hot gas, they are more brighter and bigger than the sun the stars are very differrent in size,color,temperature and luminiosity.The heat of the star is made in the center by nuclear fusion,the big star have more luminiosity by nuclear fusion.The stars made or born in a giant cloud and gas callled stelar nebula, the cloud get smaller because of gravity and its become hotter,the nuclear reactions can stars in the middle the star born.

             Types of stars are very different they are characteristics how us recognized, Colors (yellow,orange,blue,white-yellow,blue-white,red and whithe) the blue stars are the more hotter and the red are the more cold.The size of the stars no is the same has a small stars (yellow dwarf,red dwarf,whtite dwarf) 

medium stars (main sequence) and the large stars (red giant,super giant).The temperature is other factor for the stars, the hot stars (28,000-50,000) Spica is the more hot star, medium stars(6,000-7,500) Polaris is one of the medium star in temperature, cold star (2,000-3,500) Betelguese is the cold star.Luminiosity has a bright stars(100,000-1000) the giants stars are the more bright, medium stars (100-0.1) yellow dwarft, dim stars(0.1-0.0001) whithe dwarf,red dwarf and main sequence.

            Stars types are Whithe Dwarf  are the old stars, the size is small,the temperature is medium and the luminiosity is dim. Red Giant are a middle age stars, are a large stars in size, the temperature is medium and cold and is brights stars. Main Sequence are the middle age, in the size is medium,the temperature are hot,medium and cold star, the luminiosity are dim stars. Yellow Dwarf are a young stars, the size are smalls,temperature medium stars and the luminiosity are medium stars. Super Giant are a middle age stars, in size are a large stars, the temperature are hot star and medium, luminiosity are bright star.Red Dwarft are a young stars, size are small, temperature are medium and luminiosity are a dim stars. Blue Giant middle age, size are large, temperature are hot stars and luminiosity are bright. 
   The H-R Diagram  

            The H-R Diagram is a graphical to classify stars according to their luminiosity, spectral class type, color,temperature and stage. The graph has a super giants (Betelguese,Rigel,Deneb) Giants (Polaris,Aldebran,Pollux) Main Sequence( Spic,Sirius,Alpha Centauri,Sun,Bernard's Star,Proxima Centauri) White Dwarf (Eridani B,Procyon B).The spectral class (O,B,A,F,G,K,M) the letter is for the color and  the  temperature is how do we know the spectral class. The stars are in order for the graph acording the star.
 Nuclear Fusion

            The Nuclear Fusion is a reaction inside the star change two hydrogen gas molecules into a helium is how the stars make energy this procces occur into the star is a large procces.
            Life of stars 

Stellar Nebula is a giant cloud where a stars born. 
Giant Star is a star whith large luminiosity than a main sequence.
Supernova is a giant explosion.
Neutron star is a small spinning star and very fast.
Planetary Nebula is acloud of dust and gases.
Black Hole is a invisible object that sucking everything around into nowhere.
Black Dwarf is when finally becomes a cold and dark object.
Stellar nebula-sun like-red giant-planetary nebula-white dwarf-black dwarf.
Stellar Nebula-huge stars-red super giant-supernova-neutron star.
Stellar nebula-giant star-red super giant-supernova-black hole.